Today saw the final entry to this purple year with a quick 2 lap jaunt around Prospect Park, something I'd have been truly dreading a couple of years back but managed this time with a lot less exhaustion thanks to a certain level of fitness i'm somehow managing to attain. The run was on behalf of the British Heart Foundation and the turnout reminded me of the Reading Rush which didn't happen, not great. As the race was to be a 'Santa Dash' I was expecting a sea of red and white at the start but was greeted by no more than 150 I reckon. The suit provided would have fitted Hulk Hogan, laying to rest any fears I had of another Austin Powers incident with a suit designed for a 12 year old.
Sunday, December 11, 2011
Santa Dash & Christmas Bash
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
The countdown begins
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Once more unto the breach dear friends
Had to wait long enough to get actual pictures of the SOTF race, plus they cost a bit! Only 4 to choose from but I love this one, close to the end of the race where everyone had to slide down a steep quarterpipe on your heels and bum. Trying to get a team of people next time to have a go with me as I enjoyed it that much, hoping the same people will join in on the 19th May on the Soldiers Challenge.
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Survival of the thinnest

Saturday, November 5, 2011
After a fallow October month, November instantly offered the chance to add, in theory, two entries at the same time. By choice I've never grown a moustache as with my beloved beard it looked pretty bloody awful! The chance came to have another crack at doing so with 'Movember'. For those of you who don't know, Movember is men's answer to the race for life in that it's a gender specific chance to raise a lot of cash and awareness in Men's health issues, namely Prostate and Testicular cancers. The rules are that on the 1st day of November, all men taking part should be clean shaven and from that day forth should remain so except the top lip which is to be grown and nurtured with pride.
Catch up
For starters, a quick recap. October had not been the Purple fest I'd been both envisioning and looking forward to, but still offered a couple of gems. The main attraction was a Grand Prix in karting with a sadly lacking abundance of drivers from work. I'd been promised at least 8 people who had shown interest but it was only Neil Smith and his son who ended up donning their overalls. Apart from the odd dodgy kart and even dodgier tactics by a couple of mates on what sounded like their own purple book-esque month together, the day was a good one, ending in a classic final race which started sat on the grid with Fleetwood's Mac's famous tune 'The Chain' playing before the lights went green.
Friday, September 9, 2011
The colder months are starting to hot up...
- Drive Thru Movie
- Karting
- Go Ape
- Thorpe Park - Saw Ride
- Shark Diving (^^^)
- Survival of the Fittest
- Santa Run
- Panto
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Air Male
Far from being an entry in the good book, this is something I've been trying to nail for several years now. I can still remember the first time I managed to do a slam dunk in basketball. It was at my mate Robert's house, I had to run up the wall, it wasn't pretty but I managed it, and felt it. It's tricky putting it into words how beautiful that single moment in time felt. When you love a sport as much I did (and in a lot of ways still do) and see your heroes doing their moves on the telly, it means so much when you can perform if only a fraction of their brilliance yourself.
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
'Au' gust - A golden month
The best month of the year, if only as in theory I need only set foot into the Prospect job for 2 out of the 31 days. I've ended up spending quite a few more hours there and at John Lewis but still managed to fit in plenty of fantastic days, each as good as the one before it.

Monday, July 4, 2011
King of the Swingers Rule

Monday, June 27, 2011
Another entry that had to get crossed off eventually but needed the right conditions to do so, namely a hot muggy day. The sort of weather that has you fiddling with your collar when all you're doing is sitting down needs some drastic actions and what could be better than an ice bath. Designed for athletes to do something or other with the muscles, ice baths must have been invented by people suffering with severe cases of schadenfreude. As I remembered from the New Years Day swim, the discomfort you feel when the water touches your feet is only minor compared to what happens after that. There are few rude awakenings that can compete with the sensation of cold water above waist level, it's a shocker!
Sunday, June 19, 2011
4 weddings and a Christening
4th wedding of the year for me, this time with the actual 'wedding' bit thrown in and not just the reception. Just a quick entry in the book this one as not only was the day itself highly enjoyable, I hope it means a new and happier beginning to a family close to my heart, hears hoping Gary and Vicki's big day was the start of getting things back as they were.
Monday, June 13, 2011
For the Snark was a Boojum, you see.
An obscure title for what is turning out to be an equally questionable month. The only one of the year so far where I have had no health worries to stop me and yet nothing epic to cross off the list. 'One big thing a month' average over the year, that I'm sure is still very much on. For this month, at least, I'll have to settle for a few smaller entries.
Sunday, May 15, 2011
For once fortune had smiled upon me. Instead of merely making my own luck, today's activity had been gifted to me thanks to an online competition by Reading 107. All you had to do was fill in your details and type in the squiggly code at the bottom of the page. Weirdly enough I thought I'd failed in doing this as each time it came up with an error message for me. I gave up but weeks later received an email saying I'd won 4 tickets to the Go Ape in Bracknell where I would be Segwaying with 3 of whoever I would choose to join me.

Thursday, April 21, 2011
24 Hour Eat-athon
March had seen me well and truly catch up with my 'one cool thing a month' averages, now April brought with it a new challenge. Far from being a quiet month with plenty of cool things lined up and people to see, none of them were purple material and there was nothing lined up. Having lost all that weight several weeks ago and taking a long time putting it on I came up with an idea which would solve my weight problem and lack of April befuddlement - a 24 hour eat-athon.

- 3 bowls of cereal
- 2 lots of grapes
- 2 lots of strawberries
- 2 biscuit dunking sessions
- Bacon and brie sarnie and chips
- 2 muller rices
- Pack of wotsits
- Cheese and ham slice
- Glass of ice cream
- 3 bananas
- Plate of ravioli
- Midnight crumpets
- 2 hot cross buns
- Kitkat.
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Let me stand next to your fire
Another leap into the unknown, the firewalk came quickly after the fantastic day in Worcestershire with the Scooby and the Aston. After the cancellation of the London one due to illness, the Southampton one because of over subscription and the Bridgewater one as it was on the day of my grading, I would be travelling down to Gosport, raising money for the KIDS charity which looks after disabled children. The organiser of the walk i'd missed a few weeks back gave a very generous offer of returning all the money I'd raised. I was tempted to take it and use it on a future one but it wasn't their fault I couldn't make it so I certainly wasn't going to take any money back from them.