Saturday, November 19, 2011

Once more unto the breach dear friends

Had to wait long enough to get actual pictures of the SOTF race, plus they cost a bit! Only 4 to choose from but I love this one, close to the end of the race where everyone had to slide down a steep quarterpipe on your heels and bum. Trying to get a team of people next time to have a go with me as I enjoyed it that much, hoping the same people will join in on the 19th May on the Soldiers Challenge.

I'm already looking forward to next year even though i've now come to terms I won't be going to Machu Picchu for at least another year. I was only disappointed for a while as I know the reason it wasn't possible, simply the Purple Book. If it's a choice between the life i've chosen to live and a one off experience then it's no contest, Peru can wait.

Rossifer x