Monday, June 27, 2011


Another entry that had to get crossed off eventually but needed the right conditions to do so, namely a hot muggy day. The sort of weather that has you fiddling with your collar when all you're doing is sitting down needs some drastic actions and what could be better than an ice bath. Designed for athletes to do something or other with the muscles, ice baths must have been invented by people suffering with severe cases of schadenfreude. As I remembered from the New Years Day swim, the discomfort you feel when the water touches your feet is only minor compared to what happens after that. There are few rude awakenings that can compete with the sensation of cold water above waist level, it's a shocker!

As with some of the other entries in the book I'm glad this one's over and done with. On the plus side, I'm claiming this as June's contribution to the year as the pledge was at least one 'cool' thing a month. I'm still trying to thaw out half an hour after doing it while everyone else is still hot and bothered so it's all good ;)

Rossifer x