Saturday, November 5, 2011


After a fallow October month, November instantly offered the chance to add, in theory, two entries at the same time. By choice I've never grown a moustache as with my beloved beard it looked pretty bloody awful! The chance came to have another crack at doing so with 'Movember'. For those of you who don't know, Movember is men's answer to the race for life in that it's a gender specific chance to raise a lot of cash and awareness in Men's health issues, namely Prostate and Testicular cancers. The rules are that on the 1st day of November, all men taking part should be clean shaven and from that day forth should remain so except the top lip which is to be grown and nurtured with pride.

Doing this meant two things. Firstly it would be my first attempt at purposely growing a moustache and unfortunately meant i'd be losing my trademark beard after at least 6 years of having one. I little over two weeks i'd have swapped the Amish look for something rather dapper looking, the English gentleman look. Whether I ever attain that or simply look like a tall Ned Flanders remains to be seen. The proof will out on November 30th when my 'Mo' has been in residency for the full month and I decide whether to evict it, extent it's occupation on my face and whether to bring back an old friend to keep it company...

November 12th is survival of the fittest. As my cold is coming along nicely though and my voice sounds like a chain smoking dockworker from Southampton, I can't see me doing to well in it at the moment. If I can walk and breathe though come next Saturday, I'll be there. Time to end this year with a flurry ;)

Rossifer x