March had seen me well and truly catch up with my 'one cool thing a month' averages, now April brought with it a new challenge. Far from being a quiet month with plenty of cool things lined up and people to see, none of them were purple material and there was nothing lined up. Having lost all that weight several weeks ago and taking a long time putting it on I came up with an idea which would solve my weight problem and lack of April befuddlement - a 24 hour eat-athon.
I'd checked previously with my Kung Fu sifu that this was possible and asked if there were any reasons I really shouldn't doing it. After calling me nuts (as usual!) he said it would be more than possible and gave me some pointers. I was running out of free days in the holidays in which to do it so thought I'd spring it on myself the day before going down to Somerset with no real idea on what I'd be eating although i'd stocked up the day before and given myself a brief - eat something every hour, on the hour, for an entire 24 hour period.
4 O'Clock on a Tuesday morning when you don't need to be up is a rude awakening I can tell you! I got up a few minutes before 4 to make sure I was eating at 4 on the dot, I took a picture off me and the clock and posted it quickly after that to prove I wasn't cheating by doing it much later, I didn't have to pretend to be bewildered as it really did feel that weird. I made the mistake of blinking as 5, 6 and 7 O' Clock seem to come around very quick. By 9 O'Clock I'd become well and truly sick of the site of food and was pining for my bed. I'd planned to meet up with some workmates at 12 for lunch and was wondering how I'd manage any of it plus any more after that.

Expecting to feel truly wrecked at lunch, weirdly enough things started to become much easier. I'd brought an emergency banana as I knew I'd probably need something before getting back after we'd all finished, despite the fact I was now sick of the sight of bananas, this being the 3rd of the day. My love of food started kicking in and not only did I start eating more during the day, I started looking forward to the alarm going off every 3 minutes to the hour in case I forgot. I posted the updates every few hours, including the 9 O'Clock one as a special request from an antipodean mate of mine who wanted a 'proof of eating' pic. I got bored of the red clock pics as well so started using food and asking people for their watches to mix it up a tad ;)
Things started getting tricky again when we moved back into single figures for the time but I could see the end by then and had Jonathan Creek to keep me company. At that stage the 3 minute warning alarm started becoming annoying again as I was finding it more and more tempting to stop sitting on my futon and start sleeping on it. The 2nd Muller rice of the day was the last munch before sleep at 3:00am and then came the horrible wait for the last minutes of the hour before it would all be over. After quietly popping next door to put the final pictures off it was sleeping bliss, 4 hours before I'd be getting up to tell the Somerset lot all about it and meeting the two new additions to my legendary extended family. Lottie and Gracie Fear, the world welcomes you.
- 3 bowls of cereal
- 2 lots of grapes
- 2 lots of strawberries
- 2 biscuit dunking sessions
- Bacon and brie sarnie and chips
- 2 muller rices
- Pack of wotsits
- Cheese and ham slice
- Glass of ice cream
- 3 bananas
- Plate of ravioli
- Midnight crumpets
- 2 hot cross buns
- Kitkat.
Rossifer x
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