Monday, June 13, 2011

For the Snark was a Boojum, you see.

An obscure title for what is turning out to be an equally questionable month. The only one of the year so far where I have had no health worries to stop me and yet nothing epic to cross off the list. 'One big thing a month' average over the year, that I'm sure is still very much on. For this month, at least, I'll have to settle for a few smaller entries.

By 11:59pm in a couple of weeks time I will have spent the month on a Segway (again), driving down to Dorset for some camping followed by a few hours on the Scout friendly 'Brownsea Island', a stones throw from the obscurely rich residents of 'Sandbanks' where relative remoteness can be yours for 7 digits or more. I'd have read a baffling book recommended to me on New Year's Eve and, in keeping with Lewis Carroll, been on the other side of the Looking Glass for a change where after another year spent invigilating exams I will be sitting my own 3 hour juncture in a couple of days time, weirdly enough in the same masonic lodge as the last exam I had. I always thought the OU had a touch of the Illuminati about it.

As the plug had been pulled for the dragonboat racing (still gutted about that) I'm having to swap my planned 'month off' from the Purple Book for this month. Happily in July I'll be returning to Bracknell, this time with my feet well and truly off the ground. It's Go Ape with Shaft and hopefully a few peeps from work. After watching Abz having a go it looks fun and more importantly doable. I've still got this fear of freezing as, to put it bluntly, if you get stuck you're on your own. There's not some chappie with a jetpack to come and save you.

I'm already restless for a new adventure. The sharks aren't until November, and Peru is still an age away. Everything else in-between sounds delightfully random but nowhere near as epic. I need a new bridge to find, an entry into the book so fantastic it will type itself once completed as I'll be too busy savouring the delights of it. Answers, as ever, on a postcard please :)

Rossifer x