Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Right in the north of Wales, Snowdonia is in my view unparalleled in views for the UK, especially on the winding roads on the way to Llanberis where I stayed. The north of Wales is home to the only people who seems to speak welsh as anything more than a past time, in ever ystreet and shop it is spoken and it takes some getting used to, dunno about you but I always get nervous when I can't understand a conversation going on behind me...

On the way to Llanberis is Betsw-y-coed which is well worth stopping of at, mainly in no small part to this: -

Swallow Falls is well worth a look, it's one of those places you just stand and soak in as words and pictures can't do it justice.

After that it's onto Llanberis, home to the Llanberis pass, one of the many routes up to the top of Mount Snowdon and the other peaks in the area. I was told it was one of the longest but also the easiest route up. Not being an experienced walker I had no idea how tricy it would be. If you're giving it a go, expect to go through Spring to Winter while you're there. I went up baking hot with only a t-shirt and jeans on and by the end of it I had about 5 layers on including a spare pair of socks as makeshift gloves! The walk up is brutal at times, the 1st mile is all steep and the rest is pretty brutal underfoot so make sure you've got really decent footwear. Good views 3/4/ of the way up though:-

When you get to the top, pray you get better conditions than I did. There is a small open stone staircase leading to a pedestal which points to various locations around the UK. I had to picture what they'd all look like as visibility was ridiculous! Within 10 minutes I went from perfect views to bitterly cold weather and a sea of fog. Luckily I wasn't alone and had someone take proof of my ugly mug at the top of Wales :)

Rossifer x