Tuesday, June 9, 2009

By Any means...

Inspired by the fantastic programme 'By any means' by Charley Boorman but limited by a spare half a year off and lack of enough pennies i'm gonna do my own version of travelling the world by and means possible. You forget just how many unique forms of travel there are, forget simple terms like car and plane and start dreaming of the time you'll be zorbing down a hill, paddelling down a river on a dragon boat, burning rubber on a golf cart or getting around on an elephant. Too many to list in full but here are a few to whet the appetite: -

Tuc Tuc, Gondola, Camel, Sedgeway, Penny Farthing

I always saw travelling as a means to an end, an inconvenience keeping me from where I wanted to be but now I guess i'm seeing it as just as much, if not more important than wherever it is i'm going.