
If you love walking then go to Jersey. The streets in the mini towns are always worth a look but the real joy comes from doing the beaches on the south or west coast or my favourite, the somewhat ardous 2 mile cliff walk on the north from Greve de Lecq to Plemont Bay. I came across this by accident as I picked the only day the bus didn't go to Plemont. The cliff walk has loads of hidden paths leading towards the sea, have a look for these as there are some fantastic caves worth checking out if you're feeling daring and energetic.For all you tourists out there, check out the Jersey Pottery, War caves and Montgorleil Castle, any sun worshippers will spend all their time on the long west coast beach and everyone else really should check out Plemont bay, just to get a glimpse of the fantastic hidden waterfall at the end of it.
Rossifer x

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