Friday, October 30, 2009

The Leap of Faith

Our second trip down to Norfolk, our original team of 6 Prospect Falcons was now down to 3. Gareth's mate had taken a reality check, Neil had been shafted by the doc and Gemma M couldn't make it so it was left to me, Gareth and Gemma F to bring it home. We made damn sure we weren't going to be disappointed again by checking the weather before we left.

My one twang of fear came a few tunrs before we drove in the airfield then it just seem to vanish. After the disappointment of last time we still weren't 100% sure we'd be able to jump so I think we all had the feeling that we just wanted to get it over and done with. It's weird how quickly everything moves once you get the OK. Due to the size of the plane and the number of people jumping they had to split the 3 of us into 2 groups. Me and Gemma went on the first load with the two guys we were jumping with, our camera chappies and some other guys jumping solo. Rather bizarrely I was given Dave, the shortest guy on the team and Gemma had the chappie who was telling us what postition to get into durtin the jump. I was more than happy with my chappie though, Danger Dave, a man of legend who over 30 years had made over 8000 jumps.
We all packed into this really small plane, 12 of us each sitting between each others legs. I was half expecting oops upside your head to start playing from the cockpit. The journey up took around 15 minutes, we could see the altometer on everyones arms going higher by the second as mine and Gemma's ears started to pop. We both looked at each oter nervously whilst posing for piccies for our two camera chappies. Our two strap on buddies were busy checking everythin and talking us through the instructions, lucky as with everything going on i'd kinda forgotten halfway through. Being as tall as I am Danger Dave told me to tuck my legs back as far as poss during the jump. I told him a white lie during the kitting up, if he asks again i'm still 6'4" not 6'6"!

Around 13,000ft the door opened and everyone started to get active. The solo guys stood up crouched, rocked back and forth then through themselves out without a second thought. Then Gemma's camera guy climbed out the plane ready and Gemma's wingman moved them into position. She did a pretty good job at being girly with plenty of squealing before, during and after she went out the door. I was half expecting to do the same but strangely came nothing close to feeling scared. The whole thing didn't feel real. Were it not for the pictures you see now I'd still be doubting it myself! I had all of my hanging out the plane. My legs were crossed and tucked under the place, arms folded tight holding onto the grips and then Dave yanked my head back and left towards Geoff, my camera guy who was now outside the plane. Then suddenly, we were out...
2 somersaults forward. or 1 or 3 I couldn't tell. I was stuck rigid in position then felt the first tap on my shoulder from Dave. Arms out, legs still in position for the best part of the whole jump, the freefall. Falling at around 130 miles an hour and I can't describe what i'm feeling. It's not fear as I don't feel frightened, it feels more like i'm in a bubble. I'm floating and the whole world is moving around me. I get a slight reality check when Geoff is hovering in front of me. I know the script, thumbs up and a nice cheesy grin for the camera. I wanted to shout in exhileration but I felt so peaceful (plus could hardly talk because of my cold) That I could only grin like I was relaxing on a beach more like plummiting 3 miles to earth. At that moment Dave pulled the cord and then reality when and truly burst my bubble. The blur I was looking at moments before was the ground coming towards us. The chute had opened and the reality of what I was doing started to sink in. I could see Gemma below who was calling back and I started shouting randomly as the rush started to sink in. Danger Dave gave us control of the chute for a couple of minutes, I gotta say I wasn't too fond of the bit where you pull oner of the cords down and start doing spiral type manouvers, that made me feel a bit squiff. He told me to pull me legs up as everyone seemed to be doing a bum sliding landing. Happily we seemd to be the only tandem jumpers who landed on our feet, as you can see with the piccy of me looking like a mannequinn with our man Gizmo pulling us in.

A huge thumbs up to Gareth and Gem for sharing and bearing witness, Geoff for taking the pictures and the legendary Danger Dave for landing me stylishly and safely :) Although the day I got to fly a helichopper is still top of the all time list, this has shot straight up to number 2 and is going to be pretty hard to beat. The whole thing was epic, I'd tell anyone who was even a fraction curious of giving it a go to do it. Go there with any inhibitions and the guys and girls there will quickly diminish them. The whole crew are so chilled out because it's what they do, just don't go watching any Hollyoaks or extreme sports gone wrong programmes before you do it though...
Rossifer x