Friday, December 24, 2010

Tis the Season

Listen to Noddy, Wham and Wizzard,

Get the car home before the blizzard.

Joy and panic at the sight of snow,
Joy for the young ones, old ones woe.

Coca Cola and Perfume ads,
-6 out, freezing gonads.

Festive Spices, Christmas essence,
"Get out the room, I'm wrapping presents!"

Christmas parties, drunk and dancy,
Mistletoe kiss for the one you fancy.

Christmas decs the cat can reach,
Great Escape and Lizzie's speech.

Green ones, Black ones - Christmas trees,
Real ones, fake ones whichever you please.

Songs of peace and Christmas cheer,
Plans a plenty come next year.

It's getting close, I'll end my rhyme,
Big day's tomorrow, It's Christmas time.

Rossifer x