Thursday, October 7, 2010

National Poetry Day 2010

'Home' - Written on behalf of the old girl at Denefield as an entry for their poetry day

It’s cold when it’s winter and hot during summer,

The drains often block which is always a bummer.

The son has an annexe, a 2 up 2 down,

The state of it giving me reason to frown.

The bedroom, my haven, all made up and girly,

But from dreamy to nightmare when alarms go off early.

The lounge has a constant, an old man asleep,

His paperwork stored on the floor in a heap.

The neighbours, on one side, a mother alone,

The other, much older, always around for a moan.

The garden’s a small holding, chickens and bees,

There’s also the cat, who is riddled with fleas.

The Spare room, the box room, our own makeshift study,

The Porch full of shoes, lacking style and all muddy.

The rats have a field day with acres to roam,

But when all’s said and done, there is no place like home.

Rossifer x