The main event. As fantastic and beautiful as Valencia was, it was Buñol we had all been waiting to visit. The coach was largely silent on the way there as people were tired out from the night before and the early start, they would leave exhausted. We'd been told to get on the other side of 'the pole' a tall greased bit of wood with a leg of ham stuck at the top. This was to get in the best action and still have a way of avoiding the crush. Despite racing to get there I managed to get only to where the water cannons were, but could still see the pole in question. Some people were already trying to climb it when I got there.

After a while, the odd bloke got bored and tried climbing the tree in front of us to much cheering from the crowd the higher they got and much booing when they weakened out. The pole chasers were starting to think up ingenious methods of reaching the top. No doubt a russian circus team would have been up the top in a shot but each time someone got higher they were chucked bits of clothing to un-grease the pole. After the befafflement of the guy who managed to touch the ham, but didn't decide to bring it down with him, the sight of the 1st truck of tomatoes came into view. I will never know how a) they managed to fit 5 huge trucks down those streets with so many of us stood there and b) how I only saw 1 person carried away injured at the end. I gotta say for the actual chucking bit it was horrible as it was so packed where I was. People were pushing from every direction and i'd just about had enough of getting hit with the water cannon, especially because I hadn't got 'the shot' i.e. a fantastic picture of yours truly getting Ragu'ed up.
After a while I'd had enough and wanted out, good thing I did as this was the best part. I found a side street with those obviously feeling the same and we all realised we had plenty of room, and ammo, to chuck at each other. The street went down a hill and you could see a constant torrent of tomato sauce and pulp flowing around your feet.
After an hour of the trucks coming in a shot went off to signify the end. Oddly enough the water cannons were turned off and it was the turn off the locals to have a go with their hoses. Every doorway and balcony had smiley local residents hosing everyone off. I love the fact that despite the fact we'd just pelted their small town to bits they all acted so happy and friendly towards us. On the way back, despite being hosed down various times, I got my joint favourite shot. I never did get completely covered due to being to far from the main action and too close to the trigger happy water cannon dudes. In the end it didn't matter though as I love the slightly camp picture above with the blokes dressed in sailor gear (an act of genius methinks) and the one below which is the closest thing I got to 'the shot'. Despite all the various hosing downs, everyone without fail on the coach back where still picking bits of tomato out of their hair and ears on the way back!
I can't see me returning to Spain any time soon, any place that is hot even at night and can't make a decent cup of tea is never worth revisiting but it did give me the 3rd best birthday event so far after the epic helichopper day and the big apple. I have a sneaky feeling the next 2 will be very strong contenders for the top 3 when they come if I can make them happen. Fingers crossed i'll be doing the 3 peaks challenge for my 29th and walking through the sun gate in Machu Picchu for my 30th :)
Rossifer x

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