Is it possible for an event to seem so close and yet so far away at the same time? I could cope with a 515 day wait but the 62 day one is proving more difficult. The final invoice for Peru came in this week and, with the final cheque off in the post, everything is suddenly rushing towards the 27th April with worrying speed and drag in equal measure. Part of me wants to be in Peru tomorrow, the other is full of trepidation with what is to come. One of the books on Peru I ordered was a ‘staying healthy’ book, not great reading for a hypochondriac It lists every conceivable nasty out to get you south of the Equator. I think the 20kg weight limit on the luggage will be tricky with the check-list I now have with me. There’s the insect repellent for the mosquitoes and sand flies found at Machu Picchu itself, the sunblock for the hot weather AND the water proofs as apparently the Inca site is either hot or wet. Make room for the ‘platypus drinking vessel’ as a water bottle simply won’t do. Don’t forget those imodium tablets in case you get the squits, the aspirin to counter-act any altitude sickness. Nappy sacks (fragranced of course) yep they’re going in the bag as well, better add a small shovel and toilet roll as well if you plan on answering the call of nature midway through a 12 hour hike. Talking about that hike, one book recommends shorts while the other one goes for trousers, guess I’ll be packing both then. Pretty much guaranteed it’s going to be sunny so in goes a wide brimmed hat, at the moment I'm torn between taking the cool looking black leather one or the bucket hats. Knowing me they’ll all be going in the bag. Annoyingly I’ll have to take the sleeping bag which will be the bulkiest part so I’ll have to take the beast with me or buy a new piece of luggage. What started off as a £1,500 price tag after the deposit is rapidly climbing, especially as they added some sort of fuel cost onto the bill. Feels a bit like paying a taxi driver for a journey and then giving him your credit card while he fills up at the petrol station.
Where were we? What else needs to go in the bag? Phrasebook? Hell yes, I'm not making the same mistake as I did on Hola de Valencia and Pulped Fiction. Spain proved how much of an amateur I am when it comes to travel. I went to Spain for La Tomatina like a complete idiot forgetting a) it would be very hot in Spain in the Summer and b) my only knowledge of Spanish came from watching Fawlty Towers. I still only know one Spanish phrase, “Acqua por favor!”, and as there shouldn't be any water cannons in Peru I'm not leaving without some backup. The guide to Peru I’ll probably leave at home after reading up at home as 90% of the time I'm out there is all planned and accounted for, no real time to go off the grid like I could in Jersey or New York. The Purple Book stays at home just in case my luggage goes walkabout but I’ll be taking it’s smaller cousin, The Purple Diary, to write down everything that happens. The most important thing other than my passport will be the camera along with it’s spare batteries and memory cards. I thought I had a lot of photos from New York but I'm predicting a new record with Peru. Dream trips don’t come along very often for someone like me so I'm going to make the most of it and hopefully show off the best this beautiful looking country has to offer. I'm well aware this trip is on a lot of peoples wish lists so I want to give them that extra push to get them to save up and do the same.

Rossifer (and Paddington) x