A completely baffling act of randomness, and all the better for it. Coming back from the garden centre the other day I
set myself a challenge - Would I be a) able and b) daft enough to lug a 50 litre bag of compost from A to B over the distance of a mile. If so I would give it a name, stick it in the Purple Book and set the guideline for all those who would attempt it in the future: -
Rule 1. You must cover the distance of a mile on your feet.
Rule 2. You must be carrying a 50 litre bag of compost for every inch of this mile.
Rule 3. The mile must be on even ground (no hills).
Rule 4. You are allowed NO practise runs or training when attempting to set an official compost mile time.
Rule 5. You cannot be a specialist athlete if you are attempting to set an official compost mile time. (i.e. No showoffs allowed).
Time to beat is 12 minutes, 50.15 seconds to beat - Good luck :)